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Important Reasons Why You Need a Gun Safe

A gun safe is an important asset for any gun owner to have. Gun safes have been used by homeowners and gun owners for decades to properly secure their weapons. If you are considering purchasing a gun for self-protection, or if you already own weapons of any kind, you should consider purchasing a gun safe for several reasons. Below you will find these reasons described in detail. They will help guide your decision if you are on the fence about investing in a gun safe.

Keep Children and Minors Safe

The number one reason you should have a gun safe is to protect young children and minors. If you have children living in your home, you should have a gun safe. There is no excuse to not have a gun safe of some kind if you have children living with you. Even if you have explicitly told your children and their friends to not go near the room where you keep your guns, a simple verbal warning is not enough to keep children's curiosity at bay. Keeping your gun in a locked room won’t prevent a child from reaching it, since they could easily bypass the lock.

You should be aware that some states, such as California, have child safety protection laws in place when it comes to gun handling and storage. Depending on where you live, you may be required by law to have a gun safe on your property for gun storage purposes. Regardless, it is just good, common sense to have a gun safe if you have children in your home at any time.

Protect Yourself from Liability

Without a gun safe, it is likely that your gun is stored in a dresser drawer, bedside table, under your bed, or some other obvious place. During a potential burglary, your gun may be taken and used against you or used later in another crime. Let’s say that your gun is stolen from you and then used in an attempted murder, homicide, or another type of crime. In this case, you may be held liable in some fashion since your gun was used in a crime. You can prevent any liability on your end by keeping your gun locked in a safe at all times.

In the worst-case scenario, a child may end up getting ahold of your gun if it is not kept locked in a gun safe. If your child or one of their friends ends up causing injury or death to themselves or someone else, as the gun owner, you may be held legally liable. Not to mention, you will carry the weight of the consequences of a potentially lethal event for the rest of your life. This possibility is simply not worth the risk. To protect yourself from any legal or emotional consequences, a gun safe is your best option.

Protect Your Weapons from Fire and Other Damages

You will find that gun safes are most often made with fire and water-resistant materials. This helps protect your gun from water, moisture, fire, and other weather-related damages. Since most guns cost several hundred dollars, if not upwards of a thousand or more, keeping this asset safe should be a priority. With a gun safe, you can guarantee that your gun will be protected from any damages.

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Store Other Valuables

If you purchase a gun safe that is large enough to fit more than just one gun and a box or two of ammunition, you can store other important items that you want to keep safe and protected. You may opt to purchase a larger safe so that you can store social security cards, extra cash, passports, important financial documents, and other sensitive information that you want to keep out of other people’s hands. 

When you go to purchase your gun safe, consider what other items you may want to store along with your weapons. It may be worth it to invest more money upfront in a larger gun safe so you have room to store important items in the future.

Easy Access with Biometric Locks

If you are worried about storing your gun in a gun safe because of the time it may take to retrieve your weapon in an emergency, know that biometric readers are available for certain gun safe models. Biometric readers are essentially fingerprint scanners. They work similarly to the lock you may have on your smartphone, where your thumbprint is scanned for a second or two before you have access to your phone. 

Some biometric safes will require just a thumb or fingerprint, whereas others may require all four fingerprints to be scanned at once. Depending on the size and brand of the model you purchase, you might consider which type of biometric lock will serve your security needs best. Biometric lock safes are easy to use, allow you to have access to your weapon quickly, and prevent any unauthorized users from accessing your gun without permission. 

Need a Gun Safe for Your Home in Columbus, Ohio?

If you are interested in purchasing and installing a gun safe for your property in Columbus, give Columbus Locksmith Pro a call! We help local residents find the perfect gun safes for their needs, and can even assist with installation, set-up, maintenance, combination changes, and other tasks. Our experts offer free consultations and price quotes to help you on your journey to finding the perfect gun safe for your needs.

We know how important it is for you to find a high-quality safe at the right price and our experts are here to help! Columbus, OH residents and homeowners are welcome to give us a call anytime to schedule an appointment with one of our locksmiths. The gun safe you need for all of your weapon storage is just a call away. Don’t take a major risk by leaving your guns out in the open – give us a call instead and start safely storing your weapons today. Call now!
